Showing up at work unslept and thus irritable leads to less collegial behaviour.
The tunnel vision that manifests itself causes openness to new ideas and fairness to dwindle. As a result, employees become irritated and stressed. They may also not sleep well as a result, and their performance curve drops. This is noticed by the manager and a discussion ensues that is nerve-wracking for both sides. The employees and bosses try to make up for the losses by working more or longer, but this may not succeed with a constant lack of sleep. Frustration sets in and if this symptomatology is not interrupted, all those involved may be heading in the direction of burnout.
Executives with to less sleep are unfocused during the day, moody, make wrong decisions and get tired faster in the evening.
Nevertheless they can't sleep well at night because they don't know what healthy sleep is all about.
Klaus Kampmann has been a sleep expert since 2010. In his book LeadnSleep, he reveals the secrets of good sleep, which he has gathered from the world's leading sleep researchers. Read his book, it contains the condensed formula from 80 books on the subject of sleep. If you buy the book today, you can sleep better tonight, that's for sure.
Learn here, all you need for a good sleep
With 5 rules you will find lasting good sleep and you will learn how to sleep well even in the heat, avoid jetlag and wake up on time without an alarm clock.